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Mika Tan pornstar - Free Mika Tan porn videos

Mika Tan

Pelita Taetafa, Mika Okinawa

Mika Tan
Honolulu,Hawaii,United States 3856
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Information about Mika Tan

  • Birth: 27/11/1977, 47 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (162 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
Born in Hawaii to a Japanese father and Taiwanese mother. Raised by his grandmother. Mika mother's side, you have a lot of family models and musicians. By his father in the family are military, including her sister who is in the U.S. and works with the Marines in its official website. Before finishing high school and had traveled to every continent.

She worked as a child model, as an extra on TV, participated in any advertisement, worked in the theater, and was a member of Movement Dance Company of Guam, where he performed ballet and modern jazz.

He attended San Diego State University with a degree in Biochemistry and an associate's degree in Psychology. To earn extra money while in college, Mika posed nude artistic modeling.

Mika has trained in classical voice at School Peres Magdalena.

Mika was discovered in a day by porn director Jack Pearl. Initially only tried to work with her former husband, but began working with other men to follow his adult film career. Mika said in an interview that he was too jealous and could not do their work with men. His inability to forget his work with men puts pressure on your relationship and end up divorcing.

Noted for his work ethic and professionalism on set. She works with men and women of different races in his films, always showing entusiasmoen greed and sex.

Dancing and going to karaoke