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Monica Mattos pornstar - Free Monica Mattos porn videos

Monica Mattos

Monika Matos, Monika Mattos

Monica Mattos
São Paulo,São Paulo,Brazil 3775
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Information about Monica Mattos

  • Birth: 12/10/1984, 40 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:112 lbs (51 kg)Gender:Female
Monica Mattos born October 12, 1984. It is a Brazilian pornographic actress, known as much for his scenes of anal sex, double penetrations and anal dilatations, and that has become the host of the popular TV show "A Night in Paradise", the adult channel TVA. Monica Mattos believes that practices a profession full of prejudice, but that is gaining more fans and less taboo.

In 2006, was the subject of much controversy, that were released some pictures where she practiced oral sex with a horse, as well as scenes of coprophilia (shit), along with vomiting and urination scenes

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