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Monica Miller pornstar - Free Monica Miller porn videos

Monica Miller

Monika Hajkova, Monique Hajkova, Monika Benjar

Monica Miller
Prague,Prague,Czech Republic 4087
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Information about Monica Miller

  • Birth: 14/4/1977, 47 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (164 cm)Weight:99 lbs (45 kg)Gender:Female
This girl is very intelligent and has a BA in Economics. She began her modeling career in 1994. It has been awarded many times for its glamor and nature photographer J. Stephen Hicks, and has graced the covers of many adult magazines and online publishers of websites. She was Penthouse Pet for the month of October 2002.

In many of her photosets that appeared consistent with his social outlook Adriana Malkova (also known as Denisa and Ariela).

In 1997 she appeared in three adult films under the alias of Katty Mass explicit solo and girl-girl scenes, but otherwise it stands out as a soft core glamor and girl-girl solo model with natural beauty.

Hájková along with her sister Gabriela Hájková decided to stop modeling in May 2003, but as of July 2005, once again, began accepting offers good photo when compensation video