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Monica Sweetheart pornstar - Free Monica Sweetheart porn videos

Monica Sweetheart

Monica Sweetheart
Beroun,Central Bohemia,Czech Republic 4053
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Information about Monica Sweetheart

  • Birth: 23/6/1981, 43 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:108 lbs (49 kg)Gender:Female
Monica started doing erotic photo shoots as a model, after a time began in the adult entertainment industry in 1999. He appeared in several movies but it was her participation in the film Matador # 5: The Private Sex Trip, when he jumped into the porn star, doing a scene with a trio, which showed what kind of porn would be dedicated to do. He gained notoriety with the shooting of Buttmans Anal Show 2.

From 2000 until 2003 he worked in Europe, particularly in the Czech Republic and Spain consolidated as porn actress, shooting a large number of high quality films with important contracts signing IFG. Monica has been fixed in the FICEB participating in their last four editions.

In 2004 Monica Sweetheart got a spectacular progression in his career in the United States. Once consolidated in Europe and opened the doors of an America that loved nothing more to know. After the shooting in December 2003 of "616 DF..." IFG production directed by Tatiana Lies, Monica returned to the United States where he went to work with the company Zero Tolerance, who, and how actress, offered the possibility to direct her own line of movies was called "Monica's Sweethearts". In this series, Monica Sweetheart became the actress / director industry youngest only 23 years.

Monica's ideas as director beauties have passed through their country, and combine eroticism with an aggressive sex. His first production was held in March 2004 in his native Czech Republic, where indeed, he also recorded with rapper 50 cent, a celebrity in the world of music, a music video.

In 2004 Monica was nominated for Best Group Scene in the X-Rated Critics Organization (XRCO) for her scene in Eye of the Beholder.

In 2005 he compiled The Private Story of Monica Sweetheart, a DVD which includes some of her best scenes to date. Another of his most popular films is The Private Academy, which shares the bill with Sylvia Saint and Lea de Mae.

Until 2006, Monica has shot over 270 movies, which is characterized by a large anal and interracial sexual content.

On November 26, 2006 appeared in the Belgian comedy in Marjetten Willys, which play herself doing a sketch that is haunted by his fan club at an airport.

Complilación recently underwent its producer ANABOLIC scenes that stand in their interprestaciones with actors of color like Lexington Steele and Pipes Weasley and participated as a slave to a black woman and Lex.

But there is little published the photo reports and videos in 2007, suggesting a possible withdrawal of adult entertainment