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Monique Alexander pornstar - Free Monique Alexander porn videos

Monique Alexander

Monique Alexander
Vallejo,California,United States 4049
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Information about Monique Alexander

  • Birth: 26/5/1982, 42 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:105 lbs (48 kg)Gender:Female
Alexander was born in Vallejo, California and began working in the adult industry as a stripper in Sacramento, California when she was 18. [1]. She appeared in several adult magazines, then began appearing in adult films in 2001, signed a contract to Sin City in that year [2]. In addition to a catalog of work only girl-girl hardcore. She appeared in a handful of softcore erotic films produced by HBO and Cinemax such as Hotel Erotica, The Sex Spa, Sex House [3], and Voyeur: Inside Out [4]. She also became a popular single naked woman and woman on the Internet. Alexander appeared in a mainstream film titled Spiders Web with Stephen Baldwin and Kari Wuhrer in 2002.

In 2004 Alexander signed a contract with Vivid Entertainment. [3] After years of appearing only in girl-girl scenes, she began appearing in scenes of men and women in 2005, including an interactive movie and a feature role with Rocco Siffredi Vivid Lexie and Monique in Love Rocco. Her first interracial scene was with Mr. Marcus, while her first anal scene was done with Marcos Leon in the film Call Girl Confidential (September 7, 2007).

Alexander has received four AVN Award nominations: one in 2004 for "Best Performance Humorous" and three in 2007 for "Most Valuable Starlet", "Best Movie Actress" and "Best Couples Sex Scene-Film". To date, Alexander has resumed doing striptease