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Nadia Hilton pornstar - Free Nadia Hilton porn videos

Nadia Hilton

Crystal Digregorio, Nadia Cohen, Naudia Hilton

Nadia Hilton
Oswego,New York,United States 3657
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Information about Nadia Hilton

  • Birth: 3/6/1983, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 1 in (157 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
Oswega Nadia Hilton was born in New York, where he was a team cheerleader university and where he even had a steady boyfriend. It describes itself at that stage as a girl not very pretty, but after that began to flourish, and more when you had a nose job, with which apparently was not happy.

The future after school looked pretty grim for Nadia, working shit jobs in his words, as a waitress or a clerk. Realizing the situation Nadia moves to Los Angeles, to enter the world of porn. In 2005 appears in his first film where they fuck, cum on her face and do everything. That's like and has since been working in the porn world in all areas

Nadia mounting premises in New York and leaves his girlfriend as last details about his life that have