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Natalia Cruze pornstar - Free Natalia Cruze porn videos

Natalia Cruze

Sophia Santi, Angela Stettner, Natalia Cruz

Natalia Cruze
Winnipeg,Manitoba,Canada 248
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Information about Natalia Cruze

  • Birth: 6/12/1981, 43 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 8 in (178 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
Born under the name of Angela Stettner and better known as Sophia Santi was born on December 6, 1981 in Winnipeg-Manitoba, Canada. Sophia is a Canadian pornographic actress.
Sophia was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. During his teens, was infamous in his school for his wild and rebellious personality and was punk and gothic. At 14 he began working as a model in Canada. Shortly after finishing high school, at age 18, he moved to Arizona, United States, rather than where his mother, where he continued working as a model. At 20 he moved to Los Angeles, eager to advance her career as a model and started working as erotic model. Began posing for numerous erotic magazines under the name Natalia Cruze and often for photographer Suze Randall, who sent their photos to Penthouse magazine, which led him to appear in the magazine several times and become Penthouse Pet of the Year Finalist 2002 and Penthouse Pet of the Year in 2005. Sophia's success was immense erotic modeling and appeared in a huge number of erotic publications. Besides working as erotic model, Sophia also worked as a lingerie model, work which is currently still engaged and he combines his career as a porn actress.

Thanks to its enormous fame in the erotic industry, in late 2005 the porn producer Digital Playground was interested in her and offered her jump into the world of pornographic film an exclusive contract. Sophia accepted, changing the name had been used previously and which was known, Natalia Cruze, by Sophia Santi. In late 2005 he shot his first porn movie with Digital Playground, entitled Way Of The Dragon, which works with porn superstar Janine. Sophia rolled only lesbian scenes in his films, but for some time has filmed several scenes heterosexual.
Sophia says she loves to travel and has visited over 30 countries, as well as being interested in alternative medicine. Today Sophia continues won fans every day
