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Natalia Zeta pornstar - Free Natalia Zeta porn videos

Natalia Zeta

Natalia Sport

Natalia Zeta
Santander,Cantabria,Spain 110
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Information about Natalia Zeta

  • Birth: 29/12/1983, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:132 lbs (60 kg)Gender:Female
Born December 29, 1983. Along with his brother Alex started a nice childhood surrounded by his large family and his school.

Upon completion of high school and began cole then became "the rebellious child." The truth is that since it had been a little tiny bug, but I think it was at this time that the mad goat woke her. It also coincided with the separation of their parents and with the move (a little later) to the big city.

She worked as a waitress in Madrid, go-go topless as erotic photography model, stripteases... and eventually porn.

He currently combines the profession porn actress with the live shows, TV appearances, rallies Car (s fond of Tuning), wrestling in mud, photography and so on

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