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Information about Niki Belucci
10/3/1983, 42 Age.
Height:5 ft 3 in (163 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Niki Belucci is the symbol of beauty, health, eroticism, desire, freedom, charm, attractiveness, sexuality and energy. The beautiful girl, Niki, who has a considerable past in sports, was 15 when he had to quit gymnastics after a serious injury. Right now she has 21 gold medals, 12 silver, 8 bronze medals and 2 trophies as one of the athletes Ferencvárosi Fitness Club. She completed her studies at the School of Hospitality and Trade but has worked only a few months in their profession. It was a shop assistant in a lingerie store when I first made contact with erotic photography and soon found herself in the porn industry as an actress.
He spent six months in this area and in 2003, when he scored 19 announced it was quitting because they want to make a career of her former hobby, DJ-Ing. Niki began his DJ career in the fall of 2003. In 2006 other new doors opened before her to work as a DJ in foreign countries. And the story continues, as we have for a while Niki
Listen to good music and DJing. It is professional DJ