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Nikki Hunter pornstar - Free Nikki Hunter porn videos

Nikki Hunter

Nikk Hunter, Nickie Hunter, Nicky Hunter, Nikky Hunter, Nicki Hunter

Nikki Hunter
Lake Worth,Florida,United States 3676
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Information about Nikki Hunter

  • Birth: 19/12/1979, 45 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:134 lbs (61 kg)Gender:Female
Nicki Hunter (19 December 1979) is an American pornographic actress. She entered the porn industry in 2004 at the age of 23 and has since become one of the stars of porn's most prolific. His scenes are regularly anal sex, double penetration and ass to mouth. She has appeared in four films squirting. He has piercings in her navel and clitoris. In 2004, she appeared in two programs of Howard Stern television show and in the television documentary The Porn King Versus the President. She was nominated in 2006 for Best Actress of the Year and in 2005 AVN Award for Best Starlet. She won the 2005 XRCO Award for Actress of the Year. In 2006, she was a finalist for a FAME Award for Best in Oral Starlet. Nicki began directing films in 2005, were the first Cum Swallowers, Cum Swappers and Ravenous. A Nicki recently been diagnosed with leukemia / lymphoma, a complex form of cancer that affects the lymphatic system. Many porn stars have made developments to help pay medical expenses, as was reported in April 2007 as being "deeply into the six figures." She is married and has one child

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