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Nina Mercedez pornstar - Free Nina Mercedez porn videos

Nina Mercedez

Nina Mercedez
Abilene,Texas,United States 4119
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Information about Nina Mercedez

  • Birth: 10/11/1977, 47 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Nina Mercedez was born on November 10, 1977 in Corpus Christi, Texas. Nina Mercedez is a mixture of Spanish and Mexican because their parents are Spanish and Mexicans have Aztec ancestors.

Do not be fooled by her pretty face, Nina Mercedes is no princess... She is pure strength and do not mind doing the dirtiest work and rugged.

A few weeks after Mercedez was chosen as Miss Universe bare in 2003, decided to sign his first contract with the adult film company Vivid Entertainment, filming pornographic scenes in movies like "Night Breed", "Pumpkin Head," or slut comedy "Austin Powers"

Subsequently contest won more naked beauties like Miss North America and appeared on the covers of the most prestigious journals in the adult world as Penthouse in 2000. It's gone by quickly with fame appearing on many websites altering heart rate of Internet

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