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Information about Noelle Easton
17/12/1994, 30 Age.
Height:5 ft 3 in (162 cm)Weight:134 lbs (61 kg)Gender:Female
The young Noelle Easton has a voluptuous figure. At just 20 years old she shines in the world of porn as a true renowned classic actress, and from the very beginning she has been compared to great actresses in the XXX industry. She began working in porn after turning 18, and at the same time she performed stripteases.
She chose her stage name just because it sounded good to her. At the beginning she had a biased against porn, like most actresses, but now she loves fucking for the audience.
According to her, her tits are still growing, and she is very proud that her family and friends support her.
She has a perfect face and body and claims to be super allergic to condoms, so she hates using them.