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Peaches pornstar - Free Peaches porn videos


Judit Rusznyak, Sweet Peaches, Monica Cute

Kazincbarcika,Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén,Hungary 3740
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Information about Peaches

  • Birth: 24/2/1984, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 8 in (178 cm)Weight:149 lbs (68 kg)Gender:Female
Peaches is a European porn actress born in Budapest in 1984. Most of his work has been performed in Europe, and in particular for Viv Thomas and Club Sandy, although she has done important work in the United States under the name Monica, usually for Little Mutt and Give Me Pink.

She is a statuesque brunette, with beautiful natural breasts.

Most of their work is with women making lesbian scenes or alone, but she has done hardcore with her boyfriend in real life. Like most Hungarian pornstars, Sandy, Sophie Moone, Sandra Shine, Eve Angel, Andrea Spinks, Gina B., And Luka, Peaches is a real natural beauty.

Given his young age, often plays the sweet and innocent or naive schoolgirl lolita, which is good fucking and wild. Peaches recently acted in 8MM 2

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