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Information about Penny Pax
18/2/1990, 35 Age.
Height:4 ft 9 in (152 cm)Weight:103 lbs (47 kg)Gender:Female
Born on February 18, 1990, in Miami, Florida. She's a woman of Irish and German descent. Penny grew up in Ohio, California, Hawaii, Florida and New Zealand. She attended primary and high school, performing arts lessons. While in high school, she did theater and musicals, and she played football too. She also swam for the swimming team. Penny worked as a lifeguard for a little more than five years. However, she was not satisfied with her job as a lifeguard, so she decided to join a modelling website and published some sexy photos of herself. A porn star agent saw the pics and contacted Penny to perform a hardcore session. That was the beginning of her career in the adult entertainment world.