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Phoenix Marie pornstar - Free Phoenix Marie porn videos

Phoenix Marie

Phoenix Marizzle

Phoenix Marie
Golden Valley,Arizona,United States 445
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Information about Phoenix Marie

  • Birth: 21/9/1981, 43 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 7 in (175 cm)Weight:141 lbs (64 kg)Gender:Female
Born and raised in the south California. His career began in 2006 when he went out one night with friends and the owner of a nightclub in Los Angeles approached her, proving to be a relative of a local agent models.

During college, she was intelligent but very shy, which was passed down in their social relations.

Bangbros In an interview in November 2007, she confessed to making porn films, he has helped develop parts of her personality that were inhibited during adolescence, for example, be more social with people.

Her hobbies include going to the beach, play soccer, baseball and hockey.

Although a recent actress porn industry, Phoenix Marie has over 50 scenes filmed

Go to the beach, play soccer, baseball and hockey