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Information about Priya Rai
25/12/1977, 47 Age.
Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:99 lbs (45 kg)Gender:Female
Born in New Delhi, India, Priya Rai arrived to America when he was only two years old. She is a South Asian seductress with a small body sensational
Priya started her modeling career with swimwear. Later a photographer took it out on a calendar which took off. Since then, Priya has been able to break the barriers of inhibition and display her sexuality with unfettered heat
In her spare time she likes to practice Priya and maintenance of meditation in tune with your sexual energy and spiritual. She also likes to cook and take care of people, but it has two things: a fine dinner and a good dance
Meditation and being in tune with my sexual and spiritual energy