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Racquel Darrian pornstar - Free Racquel Darrian porn videos

Racquel Darrian

Racquel Darrian
Hutchinson,Kansas,United States 4046
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Information about Racquel Darrian

  • Birth: 21/7/1968, 56 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (167 cm)Weight:119 lbs (54 kg)Gender:Female
His real name is Kelly Jackson and was born in Hutchinson, Kansas, Racquel moved to California with his family when he was seven. He began his career as a nude model with photo shoots lesbian. When passed to pornographic films, initially only performed sex scenes with girls. When bids for increased shooting comenzase heterosexual scenes, she began working with Derrick Lane (whose real name is Bradley Gerig, and whom he married in 1994). Racquel signed an exclusive contract with Vivid Video production. Finally, tired of working only with Derrick Lane, decided to work with men. Racquel and Derrick finally divorced.

He has a daughter, Brooke, born in June 1997. Racquel Darrian has sometimes been nicknamed brunette goddess of porn and his most famous attribute is his beautiful ass. It rolled about 100 pornographic films since his first scene in Warm Bodies, Hot Nights in 1988 to his final film Kink (also known as Girlfriend) in 1999.

Racquel has appeared in magazines such as Penthouse and Playboy. Penthouse Pet of the month was October 1990, and in 1996 appeared in the Playboy pictorial Strippers.

Racquel has also appeared in numerous solo scenes, lesbian scenes, straight and group sex and Velvet magazine reports in between 1990 and 2002 (including at least 20 appearances on the cover) including several appearances on center pages and posters, well as a section called Dear Racquel (Racquel dear) where fans wrote letters to him it answered.

Today living in Las Vegas and works as a dancer in a strip club