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Rebecca Lord pornstar - Free Rebecca Lord porn videos

Rebecca Lord

Rebecca Carre, Rebecca Lords, Rebeca Lord, Rebeca Lords, Carre

Rebecca Lord
Paris,Paris,France 3733
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Information about Rebecca Lord

  • Birth: 16/2/1973, 52 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
Rebecca Lord is the stage name of French porn actress active since 1993. After moving to the United States, achieved popularity in the porn industry.

Originally from Paris, France. Was dedicated to makeup professionally until 1993, when he answered a newspaper ad in seeking a model for a pornographic movie directed by Patrice Cabanel. In his early films, appeared under the name "Rebecca Carre" and "Rebecca Bruns". In 1994, French director David Carroll gave him the stage name "Rebecca Lords" as a reference to Traci Lords. But in the credits, however, a mistake by omitting the "S" at the end, and his name became from that moment "Rebecca Lord", which has been used ever since.

In 1994 he was discovered by Swedish porn director Nic Cramer and appeared in two of his videos, Euro-max 2 and Euro-max 3. This was introduced to the U.S. porn industry. He soon left France to Los Angeles and quickly established himself in the porn industry in this country. She has since appeared in over 200 porn films. Rebecca Lord has directed and produced a number of movies he has starred in, through her company Rebecca Lord Productions. She became much less active in porn films since 2003, and has denied on his website repeatedly, the rumors that he had retired.

She has fucked with condom in almost all scenes of sex with men, and noted that the pressure on actresses to work without condoms has caused some difficulties in the porn industry. Throughout his career, has been linked to the same man, with whom he shares his life and is happily married.

In 1998, Rebecca Lord appeared in a famous music video for George Michael belonging to the "Outside". She has also appeared on the Howard Stern Show twice in November 1999 and again in June 2001.

In 2005 he co-starred in the film I'm a sex addict, not pornographic.

During his stay in the U.S. Rebecca Lord has lived in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco and New York. In 2007 he returned to France to live, after the expiry of their visa. He has stated that Las Vegas and New York are two favorite cities and has plans to return to one city or another in the future.

This year Rebecca Lord has informed through Twitter. has produced a new film for adults held in Paris called "Secretaries"