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Rita Faltoyano pornstar - Free Rita Faltoyano porn videos

Rita Faltoyano

Rita Gacs

Rita Faltoyano
Budapest,Budapest,Hungary 3943
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Information about Rita Faltoyano

  • Birth: 5/8/1968, 56 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (166 cm)Weight:112 lbs (51 kg)Gender:Female
His real name is Rita Gacs, most of her childhood in the village of his grandparents, located about 120 km from Budapest. During that period of his life, suffering Rita-special-aversion studies, had a single obsession: sports. Horse riding, swimming (3 times junior national champion), and athletics were his favorites. At 18 years old, and encouraged by her parents, began performing at beauty pageants, gaining victory and excellent ratings in some other, not in vain, his mother was Miss Hungary in 1974. His first appearance was as a nude model in the French edition of Playboy magazine. After having noticed her at one of these competitions, an agent contacted her and offered to intervene in Pierre Woodman's film "No sun no fun", who was shooting in Caribbean lands. Rita accepted. Began the brilliant career of one of the goddesses of the porn industry today.

Rita Faltoyano with Puma Swede.Los first months in this industry were very hard for her at a psychological level, but gradually got used and ending not only adapt to the job, but really enjoying it. 2000 was the year of his debut, but 2002 was his consecration. Led by Private especially rolled numerous titles during that year, and appearances on the covers of magazines covers and multiplied.

His starring role in the blockbuster "Gladiator" and AVN Best Actress foreign harvested in 2003, can be considered the highlights of a career that is not overly long, but it was fast and full of successes. Rita has worked with some of the largest continental and American companies, and at the present time is considered among the top three European actresses. His career and the years that still lie ahead, Rita Faltoyano seem to predict that it will become one of the legendary names in porn, as it is part coveted by many directors and his career is already full of unforgettable scenes.

Rita married in 2005 with fellow porn star Tommy Gunn

Participate in charitable activities, and when you finish your career plans to go to Africa in some