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Information about Salma de Nora
16/6/1979, 45 Age.
Height:5 ft 3 in (163 cm)Weight:116 lbs (53 kg)Gender:Female
Salma de Nora started her career Porn actress in December 2003 after visiting the Venus Festival in Germany. Previously I had flirted with the interpretation in theater and film in a conventional film. Hence jumped erotic photography and later the adult film.
Although he has worked in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Belgium, the Madrid is especially known in Germany where he has appeared in over 200 films, many of them for producing Films and Inflagranti EVS. In Berlin was filmed erotic videos for Playboy, has appeared in the television series entitled "SOS Barracuda", has been several times on "Wahre Liebe" on Canal Vox, and has twice been the conventional film body "I'll lend you my husband "among other things.
In Spain has collaborated twice in the program TNT Tele 5, Interview magazine appearances, plus filming too many porn films.