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Samantha Jolie pornstar - Free Samantha Jolie porn videos

Samantha Jolie

Ingrid Holly, Samantha Yohe, Samantha Joly, Samanta Jolie

Samantha Jolie
Prague,Prague,Czech Republic 3444
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Information about Samantha Jolie

  • Birth: 13/2/1986, 39 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:123 lbs (56 kg)Gender:Female
This beautiful blonde from the Czech Republic is gonna make us all horny. She's always smiling and she dares to do anything, from the now classic double penetrations, to gangbangs during which she goes crazy, as well as lesbian sex, golden showers, all kinds of fetishes... etc.

Her amazing green eyes make her look beautiful from head to toe.
