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Samantha Saint pornstar - Free Samantha Saint porn videos

Samantha Saint

Samanta Saint

Samantha Saint
Memphis,Tennessee,United States 3534
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Information about Samantha Saint

  • Birth: 8/6/1987, 37 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 7 in (176 cm)Weight:130 lbs (59 kg)Gender:Female
Decides to leave the school in Denver, when he was only 19 years to study and draw the title for beautician, but what she ever wanted was to be in front of the camera as a model. Although it had never considered working in porn, looking through the internet and doing some research on the adult entertainment industry, knowing who would end his representative, and making their first jobs. His story is a sad story that ends in porn, but she has set her life in porn as a career, and continues to love and respect their parents even.

He has practiced in terms of sex practically everything, and love to enjoy sex with both women and men, on camera or in her private life, and has very clear that he will continue working in the porn industry until the body holds because the love what they do.

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