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Sandee Westgate pornstar - Free Sandee Westgate porn videos

Sandee Westgate

Sandra Westgate, Sandra Marie Westgate

Sandee Westgate
Sacramento,California,United States 3834
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Information about Sandee Westgate

  • Birth: 5/5/1979, 45 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:108 lbs (49 kg)Gender:Female
Sandee Westgate was born on May 5, 1979 in Sacramento, California, and Sandra Marie Westgate, is a porn actress, model and entrepreneur erotic internet. Westgate was selected Playboy Girl of the Week Web in the week from 3 to 9 December 2001. Westgate has appeared in several Playboy Special Editions. For a brief time in 2002, Westgate lived in the Playboy Mansion as one of Hugh Hefner's seven girlfriends.

Westgate graduated in 1997 at the Institute of Field in Fair Oaks, California. It was not long before she understood that while Sacramento was a nice place to live, it would not be an appropriate place to get away as a model. So at eighteen, just graduated, Westgate moved to the Los Angeles, California to pursue a career as a nude model and pin-up model, so that settled in the coastal community Redondo Beach, California. Before appearing in the world of nude modeling, is introduced Westgate bikini contests that were held on the pier of Redondo Beach, held by Hawaiian Tropic and Venus Swimwear.

In Playboy rival publications with more explicit content, Westgate was selected as Honey of the Month for the Holidays 2004 publication of Hustler magazine and centerfold model for the same publication July 2005 Club Magazine. Also, Westgate has appeared in two lesbian-themed stories for Club Magazine, first with Jesse Capelli in the October 2005 and then with Gina Lynn in September 2006.

Since May 2007, Westgate resides in Scottsdale (Arizona), where she has managed his personal website and adult-themed, and video production company, Femme-Fusion Entertainment. In addition, Westgate has appeared in several conventions of fans, being known Glamourcon, where she greets his supporters and members of its website, signing autographs and can get several items of interest

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