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Information about Sarah Twain
6/3/1981, 44 Age.
Height:5 ft 8 in (177 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
His real name is Eliska Kocurova, but never been used in more than five years since handing caderazos right and left in the porn industry. It has been called Rena, Sandra, Sarah K., Ellen, Eliska, Sydney, Anica and many other aliases until they finally gave in to use today: "I chose in part by the writer, Mark Twain," says, "to make clear that the pornstars, some at least, we also have some culturilla. And it sounds very Anglo, and the girls have to Americanize Eastern our names if we want to work in international productions. "
'Sexual Cannibals', 'Ass Riders', 'Cockaine', 'Private Tropical 8: Ocean Dream', 'Lipstick', 'Hot Paradise' or 'International Eye Candy' are some produccciones that has been involved this beauty brunette, a woman who likes to take the initiative in sex and leave their lovers exhausted: "I am also overactive in my private sex, I'm not that open the legs and let someone else to do the hard work. I like intense sex, wild and a little violent, if necessary ".
For quite a few years, Sarah is Private girl. For the Swedish label has shot some of his most memorable scenes, starting with the 'Ocean Dream', with Claudia Rossi, Jennifer Dark and Luisa De Marco, under the command of Alessandro Del Mar, but without forgetting the real concert excitement orgiastic saw him marked in 'Fucker Takes All' with her friends Angel Dark and Susie Diamond.
"I prefer the long shoots, especially if they involve travel to some exotic location with a large group of actors and actresses," he acknowledges. "Know that this will last at least a week, you're relaxed, without haste and bad rolls the shooting more modest, and work with true professionals, people who really know how to make you feel like a queen "