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Selen pornstar - Free Selen porn videos


Selene, Selen de Rosa, Luce Caponegro

Rome,Rome,Italy 232
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Information about Selen

  • Birth: 12/12/1966, 58 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (162 cm)Weight:108 lbs (49 kg)Gender:Female
Born in Rome, his father was a businessman in the oil industry. As a child he attended courses in singing, classical dance, and horse riding. After leaving home and marrying at age 18, lived in a commune without running water and heating until the age of 21. At the age of 20 he had his first foray into making pornographic films her first amateur hardcore video entitled Orgia di compleanno Geromine directed by Cesare. His decision to pursue a career in the porn world was guided by a desire exhibitionist and in their own words by the passion for sex and the need to rebel against society. His parents disapproved of his career, which had been fostered by her husband. Movies starring Selen has known Italian directors like Mario Salieri, Silvio Bandinelli and Joe D'Amato. Another popular film that took the title role was Cindy, Luca Damiano. In addition, she has directed or co-directed films in which he has participated

Singing, dancing and riding classic