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Selena Spice pornstar - Free Selena Spice porn videos

Selena Spice

Andrea Rincon

Selena Spice
Cali,Valle del Cauca,Colombia 262
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Information about Selena Spice

  • Birth: 17/8/1986, 38 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
The Colombian began her modeling career at 13 years old in his city academies such as Millennium and Top Class. He retired from the scene for two years to return later, working since then in parades. He began studies Marketing and International Business at the University of the West, which for lack of time left.
On July 2, 2005 won the Best ass Valley, which gave a major boost to his career. He made a series of works for a U.S. website with the nickname of Selena Spice, and then achieved fame