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Sexy Cora pornstar - Free Sexy Cora porn videos

Sexy Cora

Carolin Wosnitza, Cora Weber, Cora Deluxe, Sexi Cora, Caroline Ebert

Sexy Cora
Berlin,Berlin,Germany 3499
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Information about Sexy Cora

  • Birth: 2/5/1987, 37 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 1 in (157 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
Sexy Cora was the stage name of Caroline Ebert, a porn actress, and erotic model participant German reality shows like Big Brother. Sexy Cora, daughter of divorced parents, grew up in Schwerin and began studying nursing, studies that did not end.

At nineteen Wosnitza Timo married and began appearing on websites erotic magazines. until it came to the porn industry.

In 2009 appeared in the video of rapper D-Bo. In January 2010 appeared in the tenth edition of RTL II program Big Brother. Then began appearing in various television shows and in advertisements. After participating in this program, which launched her into stardom, musical released two singles "My Love (La La La)" and "Lass uns kicken (Alles klar wunderbar)" and acted in Mallorca.

After winning several awards, and have their own line of sex toys, going to starring in several films before his death.

Sexy Cora was hospitalized in 2009 after trying to break the world record of blowjobs in one day. I tried to reach two hundred blowjobs but when it came to 75 took a fit and had to be taken to hospital.

Sexy Cora had an acute myocardial infarction in Hamburg on January 11, 2011 during its sixth breast implant operation, an operation that was to increase their breast size by replacing its current breast implant 500 grams per one 800 grams for each breast. Shortly after starting the operation suffered a heart attack, was taken to a local hospital and was kept in a coma for a week.

Police conducted an investigation after death for a possible malpractice.

Sexy Cora died in hospital on January 20, 2011.

On 21 January 2011 the two doctors who had performed the operation were charged with manslaughter.

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