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Sienna West pornstar - Free Sienna West porn videos

Sienna West

Sionna West

Sienna West
Los Angeles,California,United States 285
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Information about Sienna West

  • Birth: 6/11/1977, 47 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
After moving to Los Angeles from Miami, Sienna West (also known as Siena) found his life's vocation, and luckily for us this vocation was to make striptease and using her pussy as a alamcen of semen. It was an exotic dancer in some of the strip clubs in higher cache, and made a lot of contacts in the world of adult entertainment while working there. At 22 he made the leap to the big screen and appears in his first film XXX. Since then, Sienna West has gone on to become one of the hottest and most desired mature latin porn stars in the world. His scenes with Lisa Ann are fascinating and when I mounted with Carmella Bing, has been a great big tits spree. She appears to be like good wine, it is only getting better with age

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