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Silvia Saint pornstar - Free Silvia Saint porn videos

Silvia Saint

Sylvia Saint

Silvia Saint
Kyjov,South Moravia,Czech Republic 505
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Information about Silvia Saint

  • Birth: 2/12/1976, 48 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Silvia Saint was born in the Czech Republic the winter of 1976. This incredible blonde was at 22 years, one of the biggest stars of the adult film industry. He has appeared in numerous films and has always managed to surprise his fans favorably.

He began working as a secretary in an office, but soon discovered that he had a potential in other fields. He has starred several PRIVATE films like "Irresistible Silvie", "Italian Legacy" Hawaian Extasy "," The Uranus Experiment "," Hells Bells "and others. Has also done countless photo shoots, which have had an impact at world.

Presently living between Berlin, Los Angeles and Budapest. In Berlin he was living with her boyfriend, until a few months ago, but according to the gossips tell, this relationship has come to an end. So this beautiful blonde is free and without obligation.

Los Angeles is the capital of Show Business, so that an actress to stardom such as Silvia Saint, can not do without in your busy schedule to book some rooms in the American city.

And of Budapest, the center of the adult film world, where Silvia is, at 22, the model that attempt to mimic the new actresses.

Of his American stay, include its collaboration with penthause, earning occupy the cover of the December issue last year. Currently Brazil can be found in the Trilogy promoting Uranus, film will be replenished due to the impact obtained in the audience, premiered in almost all adult theaters.

Almost turned 23, Silvia is one of the adult film stars to be enjoying every day of your life

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