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Information about Simona Valli
0/0/1972, 52 Age.
Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /var/www/virtuales/ : eval()'d code on line 432
0 lbs ( kg)Gender:Female
Simona Valli is a delicious Hungarian. Born in 1972 in Budapest, Simona is a beautiful redhead whose ripe natural curves stand together and possesses what might be the most beautiful European tits. Her pretty face and dark complexion, with piercing eyes complete the final picture of the sultry star. Mainly luxury plays roles in movies like Erotic Adventures of Marco Polo and wet dreams of Aladdin, Simona has proven itself as a very capable actress as well as a great artist and performer. She is good in every scene, but the role of lady in dramas where it really shines.
Simona Valli left the hardcore scene as of about 2000, but his erotic production remains one of the most attractive in the late 90