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Sinnamon Love pornstar - Free Sinnamon Love porn videos

Sinnamon Love

Sinnamon Love
Ann Arbor,Michigan,United States 4044
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Information about Sinnamon Love

  • Birth: 31/12/1973, 51 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Sinnamon Love is an African American porn actric by their African origins. It's a glamor model and Feriche.

In Flint, Michigan, he moved to a school in Los Angeles. Two years later he started in the porn industry in 1993 and appeared in some 150 movies sluts, appearing in his first films for Rodney Moore. Rapidly increasing popularity for his scenes with semen. He likes scenes Gang Bang.. debuted in his first film in 1995 good.

Currently makes movies for the curious fetishists and mother of three children (two girls and a boy)