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Sky Lopez pornstar - Free Sky Lopez porn videos

Sky Lopez

Sky Lopez
Stillwater,Minnesota,United States 102
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Information about Sky Lopez

  • Birth: 23/12/1975, 49 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:119 lbs (54 kg)Gender:Female
Corrie Floris (born December 23, 1975) better known as Sky Lopez was an American pornographic actress. Today is a hip hop singer known as Sky "SpringBreak" Lopez

Despite being born in Minnesota, at a young age moved to Southern California where he grew up. He entered the porn industry in 1999 and it was not long sweep. Vivid, one of the largest and most prestigious U.S. porn studios offered him an exclusive contract to Sky agreed working exclusively for the production for several years and granting titles and Vivid Girl,-one of the most prestigious in the industry X-and elite porn star. Has posed for magazines such as Playboy, Penthouse and Club and has appeared numerous times on American television. In addition to the study Vivid, Sky has worked for producer Shanes World, among others, and has directed his own films. It is famous for its wild character and calls himself a freak of nature that loves sex, often defined within the industry as a wild girl X 100% product of Southern California. He had a relationship with porn actress Krystal Steal. It is considered one of the most exotic porn stars in recent years. Despite its tremendous success and unfortunately for their fans, in late 2005 Sky became extremely devout Christian and retired as a porn actress. He currently lives inspired by religion and faith and has become a hip hop under the name Sky "SpringBreak" Lopez

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