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Sophia Rossi pornstar - Free Sophia Rossi porn videos

Sophia Rossi

Sophia Rossi
Las Vegas,Nevada,United States 4099
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Information about Sophia Rossi

  • Birth: 22/9/1977, 47 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:125 lbs (57 kg)Gender:Female
Sophia was born and raised in Las Vegas. At 15, he began working as a model and at 17 moved to Japan for a year to pursue it professionally. Later he lived for several months in Hawaii and Europe.

After moving to Los Angeles, California and also began working as a model and actress. She met her husband whom she married and moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, where he had two children. While living in Scottsdale, Sophia left her career as a model and actress and went to college to become a midwife. Nine years after she divorced her husband in 2002 and moved back to his home, Las Vegas, resuming his career as a model and actress. During this time he also was a dancer at Kid Rock concert. Being common to relate Sophia celebrities through his work, he met actress Jenna Jameson porn, with whom he became friends