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Sophie Dee pornstar - Free Sophie Dee porn videos

Sophie Dee

Sophie Dee
Llanelli,Wales South,United Kingdom 3787
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Information about Sophie Dee

  • Birth: 17/1/1984, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (163 cm)Weight:125 lbs (57 kg)Gender:Female
Before reaching the porn world worked in many conventional jobs. She was a waitress, hairdresser, and even sold products door to door, and a lot more s, but they get bored so easily and in most of them only lasted a few days or weeks. Then began parading as a model and work in a strip club, and worked on a live television program called Babecast and became a great model topless in a British newspaper called The Daily Sport. He discovered that porn not bored, so continuous XXX actress currently