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Information about Soraya Rico
0/0/1977, 47 Age.
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Height:0 ft ( cm)Weight:
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0 lbs ( kg)Gender:Female
Soraya Rico was born in northern Romania in 1977, in the midst of a lovely famillia has always supported all deciones. In his home country he has worked as a waitress, stripper, in a post office, etc.. Very impulsive, in three days decides to leave behind his family, friends and a steady job to try his luck in Spain, without having any notion of language.
Eligio target the country's capital and then moved to Barcelona where he found everything he wanted: Family, sea and the opportunity to work as a porn actress.
He debuted in 2005 and walked away from the industry for a year. In 2006 he returned to full rolling five films. This same year saw her on stage for the Manresa festivals, Madrid or Mallorca, or the team director Conrad Son actresses who promote festivals and movies throughout the Spanish geography