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Summer Cummings pornstar - Free Summer Cummings porn videos

Summer Cummings

Sumer Cumings, Sumer Cummings, Summer Cumings, Summer Cumming, Sumer Cuming

Summer Cummings
Reno,Nevada,United States 3680
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Information about Summer Cummings

  • Birth: 4/3/1968, 57 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
Summer Cummings (born March 4, 1968, in Reno, Nevada, United States) is an American pornographic actress, fetish, star of the category big boobs or big tits in Castilian.

Upon completion of the Institute, Cummings began his career as a stripper at a topless bar in Reno. After moving to San Francisco, discovered fetishism and, after learning aa Bruce Seven, began to make explicit videos.
In 1994, Cummings met porn actress Skye Blue, and maintained a lesbian relationship that lasted several years. In front of the cameras made many films together while the relationship lasted. It ended at the end of the nineties, and is said Cummings has since maintained a relationship romantically to actress adult Kandi Cox.

In total, Summer Cummings has performed about 280 films. She is famed for its gigantic tits (operated), fetish movies and lesbian issue, and long flexible tongue. Possibly the last scene he shot was straight with porn actor Lee Stone Company in 2003 for John Dragon.

Outside the pornographic, appeared in the 1997 film Boogie Nights in a cameo is his mistress Skye Blue. Appears in a scene at the end of the film in a jacuzzi with her lover.

She has recently appeared on the AVN Award winning film Faster Pussycat Fuck! Fuck!

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