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Sunrise Adams pornstar - Free Sunrise Adams porn videos

Sunrise Adams

Sunrise Adams
Pickton,Texas,United States 4043
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Information about Sunrise Adams

  • Birth: 14/9/1982, 42 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (172 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
Adams, was born in St. Louis, in a more rural poor East Texas, in Pickton, she says, "grew up in Pickton, Texas, no phone, with only one TV channel and no one to play with in miles (Hustler, May 2005). secondary school (High School) was an excellent athlete and student. Not just playing basketball in school, was the only girl playing on computers Pickton ISD. graduated at age 16 and was linked to the school community for two years

After the age of 18, her aunt Sunset Thomas (at that time a famous porn actress) went to visit the Sonic Drive-In, where he worked. After some discussion, Thomas persuaded her niece to participate in the adult film industry, where he could get money and fame. Now living in Los Angeles, Adams officially starts much his career as a porn star on June 8, 2001, where it appears with Ed Powers in More Dirty Debutantes 186, where he later admitted that "there is nothing to remember." After withdrawal of almost two years (2005-2007), reappears in Sex Addict in June 2007