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Suzie Carina pornstar - Free Suzie Carina porn videos

Suzie Carina

Saint Adams, Suzy Carina

Suzie Carina
Prague,Prague,Czech Republic 3798
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Information about Suzie Carina

  • Birth: 28/11/1983, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (163 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Born in 1983, the Czech Republic, Suzie started in porn at just 18 years thanks to a friend who was already working in the sector. Soon began to pose for erotic pictures and quickly made the leap to film X.
His boyish opened the doors to a large number of productions in which was presented as a young student, and pert lolita barely begun in folleteo.

Thanks to its expertise and its splendid little body, Suzie has worked under the great European directors: Rocco Siffredi, Alex Romero, Giancarlo Candiano, Fred Coppula...
As favorite position without hesitation choose the puppy, and among his hobbies practice matches most girls her age: window shopping, buy clothes, go to clubs... and sex of course.

In 2005 he announced his departure from the hard, dedicated solely to lesbian and masturbation.

Go shopping and go to clubs with good friends for a few drinks