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Tabitha Stevens pornstar - Free Tabitha Stevens porn videos

Tabitha Stevens

Tabitha Stevens
Long Island City,New York,United States 4041
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Information about Tabitha Stevens

  • Birth: 16/2/1970, 55 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (164 cm)Weight:105 lbs (48 kg)Gender:Female
Tabitha Stevens (b. February 16, 1970) is an American pornographic actress and director.

He started in the porn business in the mid-nineties and has since participated in a hundred films. It has operated several times, by his own admission, and she describes herself as "addicted to plastic surgery." In the television show Dr. 90210 recorded its facial implants. It has also been submitted to the little known practice of anal bleaching.

The March 13, 2006, appeared on the Howard Stern Show to promote his first film not pornographic, The Shaman, according to opinion of the presenter, Howard Stern, possibly the worst film ever made. The film is partly based on the improvisation of the actors, and it appears High Pitch Eric characterized as a troll. Originally, the role was offered to Howard Stern Show writer Benjy Bronk, and apparently included a scene where the character defecated, and then the script must have fallen or not included in the final cut.

On April 25, 2006, Stevens called the Howard Stern Show to explain that, in part, the harsh criticism of Stern had taken them off to Utah, where he plans to become a breeder of alpacas

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