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Tania Russof pornstar - Free Tania Russof porn videos

Tania Russof

Tanya Russof

Tania Russof
Riga,Cities of Republic,Latvia 4000
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Information about Tania Russof

  • Birth: 6/7/1974, 50 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:123 lbs (56 kg)Gender:Female
This blue-eyed brunette girl Latvian was discovered by French director Pierre Woodman Porn. Tania began her career in the porn industry in 1994.

Signed an exclusive contract with the company Private Media Group and in 1998 won the award for best actress in porn Venus Berlin festival

It was cover for Penthouse magazine in September 1996 and two years later he retired from his profession for adults

Tania Pierre Woodman married in 1995 but divorced amicably in 2000, so were five years old with happiness