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Taryn Thomas pornstar - Free Taryn Thomas porn videos

Taryn Thomas

Taryn Thomas
New Brunswick,New Jersey,United States 4085
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Information about Taryn Thomas

  • Birth: 27/5/1983, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (163 cm)Weight:108 lbs (49 kg)Gender:Female
Taryn is the porn star you've always dreamed of, with a sense of humor and enormous sexual appetite. Taryn Thomas is an American pornographic actress. He moved to Phoenix, Arizona at age 12. At 18, and thus fulfilled adulthood to start as adults artist worked for Lightspeed Media Internet and doing shots softcore pornography.

In the final months of 2004, Thomas came to Southern California and took the decision to perform in pornography as a career option. Her first adult DVD since arriving in California was entitled 12 12 Thomas Lethal Hardcore company involving in Penny Flame, Sandra Romain and Melissa Lauren. Originally entered the porn business, with many limitations, as Thomas put a ban on anal sex. She was nominated in 2006 for the Adult Video News Award for Best New Starlet, but she did not take home the prize. It's like collecting the prizes