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Taylor Rain pornstar - Free Taylor Rain porn videos

Taylor Rain

Tailor Rain

Taylor Rain
Long Beach,California,United States 3999
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Information about Taylor Rain

  • Birth: 16/8/1981, 43 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:105 lbs (48 kg)Gender:Female
Taylor Rain is a pornographic film star Californian. Comment studying at Cypress College to become a flight attendant, when following the attacks of September 11, 2001, decided to carve a career in this world

He has appeared so far in 500 films in a time frame of four years, the first of which was under the name Nikki Star Like other young actresses porn, distinguished by their skills in anal sex.

She married Scott Fayner on January 10, 2004, and was canceled soon after.

Taylor has done very few lesbian scenes and has never acted with a black actor, because it says that just does not do interracial scenes

In December 2005, Taylor announced his retirement from porn and focus his career in filmmaking and its payment website, where hanging pictures, videos and talk to their fans. Also intended to have a family, and that this withdrawal will permetiría do. In 2006, Taylor Rain has participated in three films, so completely has not departed from this world