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Information about Teagan Presley
24/7/1985, 39 Age.
Height:4 ft 9 in (152 cm)Weight:101 lbs (46 kg)Gender:Female
Teagan Presley is the oldest of seven children. At age 7 he studied dance and gymnastics classes. At age 10 he moved to Southern California. She began dancing with ballet Joffery and was later accepted by the American Ballet Theatre. At 15, he traveled to Denmark and Germany representing the United States in dance and gymnastics competitions. He continued competing nationally until he finished high school at age 17.
In January 2004, at age 18, Teagan rolled one of her first porn scenes for the movie Just Over Eighteen Redlight District study. During the seven months of filmed scenes for more than forty films, including many anal and double penetration scenes. His appearance and his physical resemblance teen with singer Britney Spears are key success factors. Teagan In July 2004 he signed an exclusive contract with the U.S. production company Digital Playground. Two months later, he underwent surgery and breast augmentation rhinoplasty, lost weight and began to change his image by teenage girl porn sex symbol, but never losing his touch teenager. His first year in the adult industry resulted in an avalanche of awards and recognition from the critics.
The meteoric rise of Teagan only slowed down by her two pregnancies (2005 and 2007). Still, they recorded their new movies coming out before pregnancy and strategically released by his company. After giving birth to her second daughter, Teagan stopped working with other porn actors other than her husband Tyler Durden.
In late 2007 making public the completion of the contractual relationship of the actress with Digital Playground contract after three years and that, despite a recent renovation until 2010.
In July 2008 announced that heterosexual scenes would stop spinning. Luce also a new breast operation.
It will be the Penthouse Pet January 2009 issue of Penthouse.
Teagan In November 2005 she gave birth to a girl named Jordan MacKenzie, the result of her relationship with her boyfriend Ryan, born in May 2007 their second daughter. This time the father is Tyler Durden, husband of actress since April 2007.
In July 2008, announced his divorce from Tyler Durden alleging abuse.