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Teanna Kai pornstar - Free Teanna Kai porn videos

Teanna Kai

Tianna Kai, Teanara Kai, Teana Kai

Teanna Kai
,,Vietnam 4037
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Information about Teanna Kai

  • Birth: 25/3/1978, 47 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:99 lbs (45 kg)Gender:Female
There are two different versions about the life of this good-looking Asian.
The first version is that she is half Hawaiian and Filipino, born in Manila and came to America in 1994, living in Stockton, California

The second version is that Teanna Kai was born in Vietnam and fled with his parents when he was seven or eight to Singapore and from there moved to Minnesota and then to California

What is certain that it was the girl Penthouse October 2001