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Tiffany Taylor pornstar - Free Tiffany Taylor porn videos

Tiffany Taylor

Tiffany Taylor
Leesburg,Alabama,United States 4003
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Information about Tiffany Taylor

  • Birth: 17/7/1977, 47 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Tiffany Taylor is a model and playmate of the month November 1998

Born in Leesburg, Virginia, USA. UU. Tiffany attended the "Loudoun Country Day School" from pre-school until the seventh grade. At age 10 his parents divorced, granting custody to his father. After school he joined the "Connelly School of the Holy Child" in Potomac, Maryland. Tiffany worked as a waitress at Hooters and at the same time decided to pursue modeling.

Elected playmate of the month November 1998 in Playboy magazine. However, she was already working with the magazine since 1997.

In July 2002, Taylor graduated from the University of Maryland "College Park" with the title of Criminology and Criminal Justice.

He has also acted in TV series, often playing characters related to criminology