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Trina Michaels pornstar - Free Trina Michaels porn videos

Trina Michaels

Moody Michaels, Kathryn Ann Wallace

Trina Michaels
San Francisco,California,United States 3723
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Information about Trina Michaels

  • Birth: 13/1/1983, 42 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:134 lbs (61 kg)Gender:Female
Trina Michaels was born in San Francisco, California, 13 January 1983. His real name is Kathryn Ann Wallace, and is an American pornographic actress.

Before entering the porn film business, worked in an auto insurer and as a waitress.

He began making promotional appearances Hypnotiq liquor, while registered to work as a model website adult content.

One month after the call from the register Models. Trina and made his first scene in May 2004 with Joey Ray for Jacks Playground.

He met his first boyfriend in the summer of their senior year when they both worked in a shop as dependents. She was still married to him when he entered the film X in January 2008, while announcing that renew their wedding vows while working as a porn star in the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo

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