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Tysen Rich pornstar - Free Tysen Rich porn videos

Tysen Rich

Sarah Luxor, Sara Luxor

Tysen Rich
Minneapolis,Minnesota,United States 3431
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Information about Tysen Rich

  • Birth: 23/4/1994, 30 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:99 lbs (45 kg)Gender:Female
Tysen Rich, also known as Sarah Luxor, was born in Minnesota, United States. This lovely young girl with a slender body and tiny tits made a strong start to the porn world, daring to do anything.

The scenes in which she has sex with well-endowed black men who own massive black cocks are particularly noteworthy, as their dicks contrast with the fragile appearance of her thin body and her pale skin tone.

We will follow closely the career of this young American pornographic actress.

Fucking with well-hung black men