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Velicity Adams pornstar - Free Velicity Adams porn videos

Velicity Adams

Velicity Von

Velicity Adams
Fort Myers,Florida,United States 3773
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Information about Velicity Adams

  • Birth: 5/2/1979, 46 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:134 lbs (61 kg)Gender:Female
Velicity born in Fort Myers, Florida on February 5, 1979. His first job was as an assistant dentist, which he combined with his studies, but he soon realized that he could do more with his generous physical and tested as striptease dancer. He realized that people loved to take notice of your body while dancing, not receiving attention in the same way in the dental industry, so at the age of 20 began as a model in erotic photography sessions, and finally ended up doing adult films in 2005, with 26 years, where he has been making himself known at breakneck speed thanks to her big tits and ass.

It is famous for taking part in productions that require anal sex. In 2006, Von said they would rather have sex with black men, which is why most of their work is interracial.

Today has been involved in over a hundred films and dozens of clips for adult websites most important.

Every year we like to take time out of his work schedule to make a trip to Daytona and spend a week in the concentrations of motorists, as has been recognized that bikers choppers him crazy.

In her spare time she loves to go shopping with friends and also is a real amateur basketball, a sport he loves.

In the last year has lost a lot of weight, which has led to a noticeable change in appearance and a rumor mill about his health

Custom bikes, shopping with her friends, and basketball