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Veronica Zemanova pornstar - Free Veronica Zemanova porn videos

Veronica Zemanova

Veronika Zemanova

Veronica Zemanova
České Budějovice,South Bohemia,Czech Republic 4095
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Information about Veronica Zemanova

  • Birth: 14/4/1975, 49 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (167 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
Veronica was born in the Czech Republic (old Czechoslovakia) in 1975. With her angel face and her amazing curves, she won over the audience with her first appearances on magazine covers. Despite that, the girl, far from wishing fame, preferred to stay in her homeland respecting values that had to do more with family than with commercial purposes.

Despite that, nature is more powerful than people, and Veronica has ended up becoming a media phenomenon thanks to the international network of networks. Just by googling her you can find hundreds (thousands?) of webs on which the brunette appears and sentences of her thousands (millions?) of fans, praising her beauty or admitting to be in love with her.

Veronica moved to Prague when she was 18, where she established herself as a photographer in a modest flat. In 1997 and unfortunate event happened, which, in the end, would end up changing her life… her photography equipment was stolen, leaving her in absolute poverty. That forced her to participate in a erotic photo shoot, and not behind, but in front of the camera. From that moment on, she managed to become a softcore star in her country (not an easy feat if we have in mind the situation of her country).

She moved to Rome, where she started posing naked and masturbating on cam for her own agency. She doesn’t speak a word of English yet. Some offers and photo sessions for important magazines soon followed.

She appeared on the cover of important magazines such as Hustler, and Playboy has recently shown interest for her, so it wouldn’t be strange to see her as the Playmate of the Month soon, a symbol of the free Eastern Europe, in the ultra-famous American magazine. Meanwhile, we have been lucky enough to see her photographed by great photographers such as Suze Randall and starring in some steamy lesbian scenes.

I’m sorry to disappoint you by saying that this chick is married to a guy who must be anything but poor, and who since 2004 has retired from the business. There’s no doubt that her dream is to be an actress and she’s not gonna succeed, not even if Abel Ferrara gives her a ridiculous role.