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Victoria Swinger pornstar - Free Victoria Swinger porn videos

Victoria Swinger

Monika B

Victoria Swinger
Budapest,Budapest,Hungary 3821
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Information about Victoria Swinger

  • Birth: 20/7/1984, 40 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (162 cm)Weight:103 lbs (47 kg)Gender:Female
As a child I wanted to be a dancer. Always liked dancing and dancing continues today thanks to its professional n, for there is no greater satisfaction for her to dance in front of many people who enjoy watching her move. His favorite music is Latin and is the one you love to dance.
Away from the cameras is considered as a shy person who likes to go unnoticed. You acknowledge that if one day you find you strolling the streets of Budapest with her boyfriend and it will stop happening you will realize how shy they can become.
He likes all he can relax in privacy and enjoy their two hobbies: eating and sleeping. Her favorite food is Italian, especially the pizzas, and the most fancy American candy.

It is a film buff and whenever possible try to go, your favorite movie is "Swordfish" starring John Travolta.
Besides working as a porn actress also runs a modeling agency which she hopes will last many years. Victoria is also working on several projects web pages.
Not considered a compulsive buyer of clothing, is said not like to shop, which will surely surprise many people. He acknowledges that his passion are perfumes, just so you could spend a whole day smelling.
Among his hobbies are swimming, table tennis, aerobics, read and meet friends.

One of his greatest illusions would be able to swim with the dolphins, and hopes to one day be given the opportunity. Has a passion for animals and by the time your puppy Nike cares.
And that's how Victoria is presented in his personal life, while recognizing that the professional is the other side of the coin. This blonde bombshell and her work have been recognized recently. Prize for best Hungarian starlette 2005 award for best actress Riga Festival 2005. And has only just begun so hopefully more to do with that surprises us

Dancing, swimming, eating, sleeping are the main hobbies of Victoria Swinger